0001257: [General] Fix inactive (dead) of systemd savapage.service (rijkr)
0001254: [General] Extend RESTful admin service /financial/account/balance (rijkr)
0001253: [General] Add option to hide collate checkbox in print dialog (rijkr)
0001251: [General] Fix inconsistent cache of PPD Extension File (rijkr)
0001250: [General] Fix recurring message about invalid PDF (rijkr)
0001235: [Security] Add security.txt (rijkr)
0001237: [General] Enhance POS Sales Swipe Card area with password entry field (rijkr)
0001243: [General] Select Printer in IPP Routing dialog (rijkr)
0001244: [General] Store IPP options of driver printed SafePages (rijkr)
0001246: [General] FastPrint with IPP options of PostScript printed SafePages (rijkr)
0001248: [General] Expand RESTful documents/print (rijkr)
0001249: [General] Add Print confirmation option for User Web App (rijkr)
0001247: [Security] Jetty CVE-2024-22201 (rijkr)
0001245: [General] Decode RAW Print PostScript escaped Unicode title (rijkr)
0001242: [General] Extend User Quick Search in POS Deposit (rijkr)
0001241: [General] Add copy buttons in Internet Printer dialog (rijkr)
0001240: [General] Add Quick Search for User ID in Transfer Funds (rijkr)
0001239: [General] Show relation between Accounts and Groups in list items (rijkr)
0001231: [General] Add user column to account transaction report (rijkr)
0001229: [General] Add reset option to continue session in new browser tab (rijkr)
0001228: [General] Add Office365 OAuth2 IMAP (rijkr)
21 issues View Issues
0001222: [General] Optimize HTTP session management (rijkr)
0001221: [Installation] Clean server/tmp directory (rijkr)
0001168: [General] Add Mail Ticket Print (rijkr)
0001216: [General] Fix SSL keystore read error (rijkr)
0001202: [General] Add sales function to POS (rijkr)
0001218: [General] Fix unresolved LibreJS javascript scr paths (rijkr)
0001217: [Installation] Abort installation on i686 system (rijkr)
0001210: [General] Add Payment Web App (rijkr)
0001214: [General] Add Email login method (rijkr)
0001201: [General] Add info to admin About panel (rijkr)
0001211: [General] Fix internal user password authentication (rijkr)
0001207: [General] Fix print-scaling for mixed page orientation (rijkr)
0001208: [General] Add activity sort to User List (rijkr)
0001205: [General] URL encode userid in web app (rijkr)
14 issues View Issues
0001198: [General] Add option to rasterize exported PDF (rijkr)
0001131: [General] Add SavaPage Draw (rijkr)
0001156: [General] Enable default webapp style (rijkr)
0001190: [General] Add i18n statistics (rijkr)
0001188: [General] Use last job ticket printer as default (rijkr)
0001187: [General] Add option to disable default job ticket delivery date (rijkr)
0001181: [General] Prevent redundant IPP print requests to untrusted queue (rijkr)
0001179: [Security] Improve self-signed certificate (rijkr)
0001180: [General] Extend print invoicing report selection (rijkr)
0000533: [Security] Comply with GNU LibreJS (rijkr)
0001176: [General] Fix user privilege (rijkr)
0001178: [General] Extend job ticket tags (rijkr)
0001177: [General] Add option to retain job ticket domain (rijkr)
0001173: [General] Fix administrator privilege for accounts (rijkr)
0001171: [General] Show single media source in printer edit dialog (rijkr)
0001169: [General] Optimize conditional display in web app dialogs (rijkr)
0001170: [General] Fix Firefox radio button width (rijkr)
0001166: [General] Change delegator user and group detail configuration (rijkr)
0001163: [General] Reverse canceled or aborted print job (rijkr)
0001164: [General] Improve proxy print job status reporting (rijkr)
0001165: [General] Fix Queue list selection (rijkr)
0001159: [General] Adapt to Java 11 (rijkr)
0001158: [General] Use SavaPage branded session cookies (rijkr)
0001157: [General] Fix IPP print to SavaPage error (rijkr)
0001149: [Refactoring] Optimize JavaScript code (rijkr)
0001148: [General] Add select options in proxy printer list (rijkr)
0001155: [General] Consolidate PaperCut configuration into single section (rijkr)
0001154: [General] Remove Google Cloud Print (rijkr)
0001153: [General] Add setup buttons to admin dashboard (rijkr)
0001150: [General] Support OAuth ad-hoc user creation (rijkr)
0001145: [General] Signal expired SSL in Atom Feed (rijkr)
0001132: [General] Edit delegated print copies of job ticket (rijkr)
32 issues View Issues
0001140: [General] Add Print Invoicing Report (rijkr)
0001094: [General] Deprecate Google Cloud Print (rijkr)
0000590: [General] Add IPP Everywhere support (rijkr)
0001139: [General] Fix IPP Routing QR-code positioning (rijkr)
0001051: [General] Add IPP routing option (rijkr)
0001137: [General] Fix user details privilege (rijkr)
0001135: [General] Fix auto selection of queue or printer in document log (rijkr)
0001136: [General] Display Roles and ACL in User and Group list (rijkr)
0001134: [General] Fix Jetty ClassNotFoundException (rijkr)
0001133: [General] Improve .js and .css loading (rijkr)
0001121: [General] Change internet print URL syntax (rijkr)
0001122: [General] Add Chrome OS print support (rijkr)
0001125: [General] Add Telegram Messaging for 2FA (rijkr)
0001123: [Security] Add 2FA with TOTP (rijkr)
0001124: [General] Generate User ID Number (rijkr)
0001120: [General] Fix NFC Card Number format display (rijkr)
0001111: [General] Use HTTP XFF header to retrieve client IP address (rijkr)
0001115: [General] Fix IP print PostScript header error (rijkr)
0001077: [General] Set strict defaults for Web Print PDF validation (rijkr)
0001088: [General] Improve check of duplicate Device IP (rijkr)
0001102: [General] Change PPD Extension File entryfield to select list (rijkr)
0001095: [General] Fix Web App refresh error (rijkr)
0001101: [General] Add option to override doc store location (rijkr)
0001073: [General] Check PDF substitute fonts (rijkr)
0001100: [Security] Allow public IP addresses as IPP Queue restriction (rijkr)
0001096: [General] Check Single Web App session for all browser types (rijkr)
0001097: [General] Improve http session management (rijkr)
0001092: [General] Upgrade third-party Java components (rijkr)
0001093: [General] Upgrade to cometd 4.0 (rijkr)
0001090: [General] Disable letterhead locking for SafePages export and print (rijkr)
0001089: [General] Change Device Target Printer and Group to Quick Search fields (rijkr)
0001091: [General] Disable user row locking at Web App logout (rijkr)
0001086: [General] Improve Cancel All in Hold Print Jobs dialog (rijkr)
0001081: [General] Handle all uploaded Web Print file items (rijkr)
0001052: [General] Add RESTful web service (rijkr)
0001083: [General] Show credentials for android print app (rijkr)
0001080: [General] Show blocking message if ticket print is overloaded (rijkr)
0001076: [General] Add preload spinner to safepages preview (rijkr)
0001075: [General] Show Job Ticket Queue details on Admin Dashboard (rijkr)
0001069: [General] Add savapage-cmd --delete-user-group-account (rijkr)
40 issues View Issues
0000952: [Installation] Fix systemd service ownership (rijkr)
0000955: [General] Add config items to restrict datetime of job ticket delivery (rijkr)
0000960: [General] Fix Job Ticket printer media-source default (rijkr)
0000961: [General] Highlight non-standard papersize of open job ticket (rijkr)
0000962: [General] Show jog offset option in printer settings dialog (rijkr)
0000963: [General] Add option to assign Delegated Print group copies (rijkr)
0000964: [General] Set SMTP default to SSL/TLS port 465 (rijkr)
0000965: [General] Terminate WebServer after initialization exception (rijkr)
0000956: [Security] Add options to configure internet access per Web App (rijkr)
0000967: [General] Provide PaperCut User Sync and Auth Interface (rijkr)
0000969: [General] Hide non-applicable buttons in User Group list (rijkr)
0000971: [General] Fix NullPointerException when IP Print denied for IP address (rijkr)
0000972: [General] Add option to configure media-sources for job sheets (rijkr)
0000973: [General] Mark delegated print groups and accounts as preferred (rijkr)
0000974: [General] Hide single shared account in delegated print dialog (rijkr)
0000975: [General] Add Smartschool notification plug-in (rijkr)
0000977: [General] Fix JavaScript error when selecting job ticket printer (rijkr)
0000978: [General] Select job ticket printer to create copy job in empty inbox (rijkr)
0000979: [General] Add option to hide environmental impact (rijkr)
0000985: [General] Add option to enable delegated print user account type (rijkr)
0000988: [General] Fix ignored uncollate for delegated print (rijkr)
0000989: [General] Add IPP constraint validation to Job Ticket print (rijkr)
0000991: [General] Show CUPS print performance in Job Ticket Web App (rijkr)
0000992: [General] Validate SPConstraint for sheet-collate (rijkr)
0000994: [General] Fix job ticket display error for pending print job (rijkr)
0000995: [General] Fix error when manual media-source is selected (rijkr)
0000996: [General] Add button to clear i18n cache (rijkr)
0000998: [General] Improve user and group search in delegated print dialog (rijkr)
0000999: [General] Add option to set preferred media-source (rijkr)
0001004: [General] Improve User Web App print-scaling use case (rijkr)
0001005: [General] Improve open job ticket sort (rijkr)
0001006: [General] Fix JavaScript compatibility issue (rijkr)
0001007: [Security] Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.11.v20180605 (rijkr)
0001009: [General] Add PPD download in proxy printer list (rijkr)
0001010: [General] Identify CUPS out-of-band job state (rijkr)
0000983: [General] Fix disabled buttons getting focus (rijkr)
0001003: [General] Add option to enable cancel of all job tickets (rijkr)
0001012: [General] Add print settings to job ticket job-sheet (rijkr)
0001013: [General] Improve print orientation mismatch message (rijkr)
0001014: [General] Add button to close all completed job tickets (rijkr)
0001015: [General] Fix rare server shutdown deadlock (rijkr)
0001016: [General] Add button to delete documents in Upload Dialog (rijkr)
0001018: [General] Add session user as print delegator (rijkr)
0001020: [General] Hide proxy printer media-source cost when not relevant (rijkr)
0000940: [General] Add option to set icons for printer options (rijkr)
0000853: [Security] Add option to send mail as PGP/MIME (rijkr)
0000947: [General] Add Atom Feed for administrators (rijkr)
0000953: [Installation] Add Java 9 support (rijkr)
0001022: [General] Add option to use job ticket labels for regular printer (rijkr)
0001033: [General] Check server ports when web server starts (rijkr)
0001035: [General] Support X-Forwarded-For (XFF) HTTP header field (rijkr)
0001036: [General] Add Delegated Print restriction on shared account (rijkr)
0001039: [General] Add server threadpool configuration (rijkr)
0001042: [General] Close input streams after file upload request (rijkr)
0001043: [General] Optimize selection of Print Delegate (rijkr)
0001044: [General] Add toggle to (de)select all Delegated Print users (rijkr)
0001045: [General] Show HTTP error codes as JavaScript alert message (rijkr)
0001047: [General] Prune orphaned IP addresses from session cache (rijkr)
0001048: [General] Improve use of max inactive session interval (rijkr)
0001049: [Security] Add PDF/PGP Verification (rijkr)
0001050: [General] Add URL Web Print (rijkr)
0001053: [General] Add deadlocked threads detection (rijkr)
0001054: [Security] Add Azure OAuth provider (rijkr)
0001056: [General] Reject print requests when application is unavailable (rijkr)
0001061: [General] Allow copies edit of single account job ticket (rijkr)
0001062: [General] Add option to reopen single account job ticket (rijkr)
0001063: [General] Allow Copy Job Ticket journal/archive (rijkr)
0001066: [General] Select open job tickets of printer group (rijkr)
68 issues View Issues
0000861: [General] Print job-sheet before job ticket (rijkr)
0000890: [General] Save Job Ticket printer settings in web session (rijkr)
0000745: [General] Delete page in view of User Web App page browser (rijkr)
0000849: [General] Fix display of warning message after successful Admin WebApp login (rijkr)
0000852: [General] Use selected font for Web Print plain text drag & drop (rijkr)
0000854: [General] Limit number of pending job tickets shown (rijkr)
0000855: [General] Fix copy job ticket validation error (rijkr)
0000856: [General] Add shared account name validation (rijkr)
0000857: [General] Handle actions on job ticket that is already processed (rijkr)
0000858: [General] Fix NullPointerException on first time finished CUPS job notification (rijkr)
0000860: [General] Add job ticket queue size to admin dashboard (rijkr)
0000862: [General] Remove option to disable Delegated Print settlement with User Account (rijkr)
0000863: [General] Prevent race condition for read/write of savapage.json (rijkr)
0000864: [General] Fix NoSuchFileException when writing user message file (rijkr)
0000865: [General] Add option to enable print-all job tickets button (rijkr)
0000867: [General] Support multiple delegated print copies (rijkr)
0000869: [General] Add option to disable cleanup of Document Log at startup (rijkr)
0000873: [General] Fix stale page browser image urls (rijkr)
0000874: [General] Show error message when user inbox inaccessible (rijkr)
0000875: [General] Select user of closed job tickets (rijkr)
0000882: [General] Apply single UI language (rijkr)
0000883: [General] Show message when application is temporarily unavailable (rijkr)
0000884: [General] Add savapage-cmd --system-status (rijkr)
0000885: [General] Add public JSON-RPC (rijkr)
0000887: [Security] Enhance private JSON-RPC security (rijkr)
0000891: [General] Restrict Web Print document types (rijkr)
0000892: [General] Fix proxy print collate visibility (rijkr)
0000893: [General] Add custom i18n for fixed Web App text (rijkr)
0000894: [General] Hide print separate option for restricted document scope (rijkr)
0000895: [General] Optimize proxy printer selection (rijkr)
0000901: [General] Add option to hide inbox delete scope text at proxy print (rijkr)
0000618: [General] Improve User Web App navigation (rijkr)
0000739: [Security] Add privileges for parts of Admin Web App (rijkr)
0000740: [Security] Add dashboard option to switch system off-line (rijkr)
0000939: [General] Fix page range validation (rijkr)
0000872: [General] Show help button in User Web App (rijkr)
0000877: [General] Handle ProxyPrintException as non-fatal (rijkr)
0000888: [General] Comply to GDPR (rijkr)
0000896: [General] Improve Delegated Print Dialog layout (rijkr)
0000909: [General] Add savapage-cmd and savapage-db options to get and set config items (rijkr)
0000910: [General] Set JSON-RPC charset to UTF-8 (rijkr)
0000911: [General] Add savapage-cmd --sync-users-and-groups (rijkr)
0000912: [Security] Add option to trust self-signed certificate for LDAPS (rijkr)
0000915: [General] Add option to download report as CSV (rijkr)
0000916: [General] Adapt User Web App Doc Log selection to user and resource status (rijkr)
0000917: [Security] Add URL path for SSO to User Web App with OAuth provider (rijkr)
0000918: [General] Refund job ticket cost (rijkr)
0000919: [General] Add option to enable delegated group select for shared account (rijkr)
0000921: [General] Restrict Group Account edit (rijkr)
0000922: [General] Fix update of decimal comma shared account balance (rijkr)
0000924: [General] Fix AtomicMoveNotSupportedException on import member card (rijkr)
0000931: [General] Add quick search on Open Job Ticket (rijkr)
0000932: [General] Show Open Job Ticket statistics (rijkr)
0000933: [General] Add reason to Job Ticket canceled email (rijkr)
0000934: [General] Add 180 degrees rotate option for proxy printing (rijkr)
0000935: [General] Add print preview of Finished-Page (rijkr)
0000936: [General] Force reload of Web App when server is restarted (rijkr)
0000937: [General] Fix job reschedule when updating cron trigger (rijkr)
0000942: [General] Fix access to Documents and Transactions in Admin Web App (rijkr)
0000944: [General] Return HTML 404 status when inbox image not found (rijkr)
0000945: [General] Change visibility of CUPS link in printer list (rijkr)
0000948: [General] Reprint ticket sheet at job ticket reprint (rijkr)
0000949: [General] Skip number-up corrections for booklet (rijkr)
0000950: [General] Update external status of job ticket print canceled in CUPS (rijkr)
64 issues View Issues
0000822: [General] Add OAuth plugin interface (rijkr)
0000802: [General] Add option to enable delegated print account types (rijkr)
0000776: [Security] Add Print Job Creator role (rijkr)
0000806: [General] Add option to cancel and reprint job ticket print job (rijkr)
0000764: [General] Add Job Ticket cost rules for media and printed copies (rijkr)
0000733: [General] Add support for CUPS printer classes (rijkr)
0000735: [General] Prevent second login request on Enter key (rijkr)
0000736: [General] Synchronize user creation at first login (rijkr)
0000737: [General] Proxy Print vanilla inbox as one CUPS job (rijkr)
0000741: [General] Remove newlines in button titles on main User Web App page (rijkr)
0000746: [Security] Add Google Sign-In to Web App (rijkr)
0000747: [General] Improve Web Print user feedback at file upload (rijkr)
0000748: [Security] Add YubiKey OTP authentication to Web App (rijkr)
0000749: [Security] Hide encrypted value of secret configuration items in list (rijkr)
0000751: [General] Show id of authenticated user in Admin Web App footer bar (rijkr)
0000752: [Security] Disable password reset in User Web App when password is not set (rijkr)
0000753: [Security] Add option to erase internal user password in Admin Web App (rijkr)
0000756: [General] Add option to make any proxy printer a job ticket printer (rijkr)
0000758: [General] Show collate option for job ticket print (rijkr)
0000759: [General] Optimize user quick search on delegator role (rijkr)
0000761: [General] Fix update of indeterminate user roles (rijkr)
0000762: [Security] Fix error sending receipt email from POS Web App (rijkr)
0000766: [General] Add option to effectuate Job Ticket without proxy printing (rijkr)
0000768: [General] Fix non-persistent quick search select in Delegated Print dialog (rijkr)
0000769: [General] Add option to create job ticket for each vanilla inbox document (rijkr)
0000770: [General] Compose job ticket title when not specified (rijkr)
0000774: [General] Configure "remove graphics" visibility in print dialog (rijkr)
0000775: [General] Configure visibility of job ticket datetime of delivery (rijkr)
0000779: [General] Accept JetDirect PostScript stream with UEL header (rijkr)
0000780: [General] Add option to create Job Ticket for off-the-glass copying (rijkr)
0000781: [General] Add option to proxy print each vanilla inbox document separately (rijkr)
0000782: [General] Fix jQuery Mobile theme icons error (rijkr)
0000786: [General] Add Web Print disclaimer in file upload dialog (rijkr)
0000787: [General] Remove POS and Job Tickets from Admin Web App (rijkr)
0000788: [General] Add print log to Job Ticket Web App (rijkr)
0000789: [General] Create user inbox after one-time token login (rijkr)
0000709: [General] Select printer options when releasing Job Ticket (rijkr)
0000710: [Security] Change URL of external sites to https (rijkr)
0000711: [Security] Add option to redirect non-SSL HTML requests to SSL (rijkr)
0000712: [Security] Add option to disable non-SSL access (rijkr)
0000713: [Security] Use SSL to publish admin notifications (rijkr)
0000714: [Security] Decrypt secret value of config item in edit dialog (rijkr)
0000715: [General] Show SSL certificate expiration date on Admin Web App dashboard (rijkr)
0000716: [Security] Add option to disable raw printing (rijkr)
0000717: [General] Suppress Welcome Back message in IE after Web Print (rijkr)
0000718: [General] Configure selectable Web App languages (rijkr)
0000722: [General] Use support.savapage.org as helpdesk url (rijkr)
0000724: [General] Fix i18n mismatch in some Web App dialogs (rijkr)
0000725: [General] Suppress Welcome Back message in Firefox at PDF download (rijkr)
0000726: [General] Clarify server.log content (rijkr)
0000728: [General] Prompt user to replace automatic media source before proxy printing (rijkr)
0000729: [General] Retry connecting to CUPS after connect failure (rijkr)
0000730: [General] Add login option to Web App already active message (rijkr)
0000732: [General] Preserve landscape orientation in downloaded PDF (rijkr)
0000801: [General] Add option to charge proxy print cost to shared account (rijkr)
0000791: [Security] Apply user alias for TTP Web App user authentication (rijkr)
0000803: [General] Show Internet Printer URLs for CUPS and Windows clients (rijkr)
0000804: [General] Prevent access to users, groups and accounts if setup is incomplete (rijkr)
0000805: [General] Make close of Job Ticket an operator action (rijkr)
0000807: [General] Optimize PDF and Print document scope in User Web App (rijkr)
0000808: [General] Show Ticket icon on Print button if just Job Ticket printers are present (rijkr)
0000813: [General] Add proxy print output-bin support (rijkr)
0000814: [General] Add option to clear printer after proxy printing (rijkr)
0000815: [General] Add proxy print media-type support (rijkr)
0000816: [General] Add option to clear Delegated Print data after proxy printing (rijkr)
0000823: [General] Fix proxy print page scaling ambiguity (rijkr)
0000825: [General] Add shortcut Print and PDF buttons to Web Print dialog (rijkr)
0000826: [General] Improve Dutch translation of "Account" (kevin)
0000830: [Security] Mark session tracking cookie as HttpOnly (rijkr)
0000832: [General] Deprecate Smartschool Print Module in favor of SavaPage Delegated Print (rijkr)
0000836: [Security] Assign Print Job Delegator role to Delegate in User Web App (rijkr)
0000837: [General] Add Delegated Print option to enter extra copies (rijkr)
0000838: [General] Exclude blank User Groups in Delegated Print dialog (rijkr)
0000839: [General] Add drag and drop for Web Print file upload (rijkr)
0000840: [General] Optimize temp file delete after Web Print (rijkr)
0000842: [General] Add multiple file upload in Web Print dialog (rijkr)
76 issues View Issues
0000647: [Security] Add access control to user roles and domain objects (rijkr)
0000649: [General] Add proxy print job ticket workflow (rijkr)
0000588: [General] Prevent endless disconnected messages in Admin Dashboard after server shutdown (rijkr)
0000643: [General] Configure XML-RPC server for introspection (rijkr)
0000645: [General] Refresh hold jobs info in User Web App when inbox is empty (rijkr)
0000650: [General] Facilitate SAVAPAGE.ppd download when installing CUPS printer (rijkr)
0000656: [General] Correct page thumbnail position in User Web App after browser window restore (rijkr)
0000657: [General] Change proxy print job state selection in Web App document log (rijkr)
0000658: [Refactoring] Change select defaults in Web App document log (rijkr)
0000660: [General] Show user message on account event (rijkr)
0000662: [General] Improve hold print jobs display in User Web App (rijkr)
0000665: [General] Add config items to overrule web.properties keys (rijkr)
0000666: [Refactoring] Change Web App URL parameter names (rijkr)
0000667: [General] Use new web auth token after User Web App logout/login (rijkr)
0000599: [General] Add option to convert PDF downloaded or sent to grayscale (rijkr)
0000641: [General] Prevent irrelevant account trx when saving User in Web App dialog (rijkr)
0000644: [Security] Add User Web App authentication for trusted third party (rijkr)
0000661: [General] Avoid sharing of Web App session across multiple browser tabs (rijkr)
0000663: [General] Add URL parameter for JavaScript logging (rijkr)
0000668: [General] Fix Internet Print requesting user error (rijkr)
0000669: [General] Automatically clear selected file after Web Print file upload (rijkr)
0000670: [General] Add config item to show/hide printer driver download in About dialog (rijkr)
0000671: [General] Edit New User Settings in Admin Web App User Group dialog (rijkr)
0000672: [General] Fix amount decimals display error (rijkr)
0000673: [General] Cache version news in Admin Web App Dashboard (rijkr)
0000674: [General] Fix Custom Proxy Print not being updated for Terminal device (rijkr)
0000676: [General] Add extra page delete options in User Web App print dialog (rijkr)
0000677: [General] Add option to delete expired print-in documents (rijkr)
0000685: [Installation] Sync jetty-* and cometd-java-* versions (rijkr)
0000686: [General] Show CUPS status on Admin Web App Dashboard (rijkr)
0000697: [General] Fix JavaScript long poll illegal state exception (rijkr)
0000698: [General] Add option to show text in User Web App main navigation buttons (rijkr)
0000699: [General] Change prompt "Scope" to "Document" in Print and PDF dialog (rijkr)
0000700: [General] Add option to inject custom HTML in Web App (rijkr)
0000701: [General] Hide jQuery Mobile dialogs when JavaScript is disabled (rijkr)
0000702: [General] Fix SafePages selection error in User Web App (rijkr)
0000703: [General] Add Print and PDF options in User Web App sort mode (rijkr)
0000704: [Refactoring] Clarify document info pop-up in User Web App (rijkr)
0000705: [General] Add Web Print upload progress indicator (rijkr)
0000707: [General] Preserve print job settings after printer settings edit (rijkr)
0000708: [General] Localize to German (rijkr)
41 issues View Issues
0000628: [General] Skip check on multiple Web App sessions for Mac OS X Safari (rijkr)
0000631: [General] Add printer driver download links in Web App (rijkr)
0000591: [General] Make Smartschool print charge to student account optional (rijkr)
0000592: [General] Fix NFC Card Login authentication (rijkr)
0000596: [General] Set grayscale and duplex proxy printers for Smartschool print jobs (rijkr)
0000605: [General] Add Unfinished status to filter printed documents in Web App (rijkr)
0000608: [General] Add jqPlot datapoint highlighter in Web App charts (rijkr)
0000610: [General] Download Smartschool printing cost for students as CSV file (rijkr)
0000612: [General] Notify proxy print job status change in Admin Web App dashboard (rijkr)
0000613: [General] Remove Continue button from multiple Web App Session message (rijkr)
0000615: [Security] Prevent Account Enumeration and Guessable User Account (rijkr)
0000616: [General] Show document title in transactions depending on config setting (rijkr)
0000617: [General] Allow user to download his own transaction report from User Web App (rijkr)
0000619: [General] Add driver printing over public Internet (rijkr)
0000622: [General] Lazy create SavaPages directory after Admin WebApp login (rijkr)
0000627: [General] Disable CometD WebSocket transport in JavaScript clients. (rijkr)
0000630: [Security] Use web sessions when authentication tokens are disabled (rijkr)
17 issues View Issues
0000407: [General] Use port 7772 as default for new card reader device (rijkr)
0000552: [Refactoring] Enable Jetty javax.servlet.annotation (rijkr)
0000553: [General] Create plug-in interface for jQuery Mobile Theming (rijkr)
0000554: [General] Create plug-in interface for Custom CSS (rijkr)
0000556: [General] Assign credit to another user (rijkr)
0000566: [General] Add country locale to Web App session (rijkr)
0000567: [Refactoring] Improve logging and tracing of raw print requests (rijkr)
0000568: [General] Show message in Admin WebApp Proxy Printer List when IPP connect error (rijkr)
0000569: [General] Handle page range syntax error when deleting pages in User Web App (rijkr)
0000571: [General] Fix server error when logging card swipe event for printer group (rijkr)
0000575: [General] Prevent random Derby DB deadlocks in Fast Print Release scenario's (rijkr)
0000580: [General] Escape special HTML chars in Admin WebApp live messages (rijkr)
0000581: [General] Enable CometD WebSocket transport in User Web App (rijkr)
0000562: [Security] Exclude weak and insecure cipher suites from SSL connection (rijkr)
0000555: [General] Create Payment Gateway Plugin Interface (rijkr)
0000587: [General] Add Services Status to Admin Dashboard with online/offline toggle (rijkr)
16 issues View Issues
0000536: [Refactoring] Change CometD extension field name for authentication (rijkr)
0000535: [Refactoring] Upgrade to Jetty 9 and CometD 3 (rijkr)
0000537: [General] Give proper login message for unknown user when external user source is missing (rijkr)
0000538: [General] Change SMTP default to localhost port 25 (rijkr)
0000539: [General] Change IMAP default to port 143 (STARTTLS) (rijkr)
0000541: [General] Separate jobs in Direct and Hold Print (rijkr)
0000542: [General] Offer copy/paste in Web App error message (rijkr)
0000543: [General] Identify not-configured proxy printers (rijkr)
0000544: [General] Select inbox job for PDF creation and printing (rijkr)
9 issues View Issues
0000534: [General] Wicket page rendering exception is not logged (rijkr)
1 issue View Issues